
10-17-2003 A Whole New World

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital first thing in the morning! We rushed over to Children’s Hospital…I walked into a whole new world… the world of the NICU! I finally got to go and be w/ my girl! The most beautiful sight I haveĀ ever seen! She was amazing! She was so tiny… at birth she was 5lbs 12oz…. she was now 4lbs. 1oz. She was covered with tubes, and wires… monitors were beeping all around me… I was scared… very, very scared! I was afraid to touch her, afraid of every beep! She looked so pitiful just laying there… I just wanted to scoop her up and hold her! I just sat and stared at her…. and then I began to meet these amazing human beings…. superheroes, that I never knew existed… they were NICU nurses, respiratory therapists, pca’s, clinical staff, HUC’s, child life, dietitians, social workers, lactation consultants, nurse practitioners, and gobs of docs… gosh I’m sure I’m forgetting someone… but I met them all! It was a whirlwind… but unbelievable to have this whole team of people who were all working so hard for our girl! They told me at this time she was doing amazing! And if things went well she could be home by Thanksgiving!!! At the time that seemed so far away!!! But looking back… a month and a half would’ve been a piece of cake!!!