
10-16-2003 Hope

We waited in a small room in the hospital… having no idea if Lilee was still alive. We had no idea if we should mourn because she was gone… or if there was still hope that she would be ok. We had so many questions…. but all we could do was just sit and wait. It was pure torture! I wanted to leave the hospital… to go with her… I should be there too!!! But I wasn’t allowed. Luckily her Dad was with her by her side during this time. During that time waiting… I couldn’t have even imagined what she was greeted with upon entering Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. I now know that she was greeted by the most amazing human beings that exist on this earth! Loving, smart humans that scooped her out of that incubator… and immediately began taking measures to ensure she would get to see her Mommy again. From what I’ve heard the report they got was that she was VERY sick…. and they didn’t really know what to expect… I don’t think anyone thought she was going to survive… But she had one of the best nurses, and a team of RT’s, and doctors working diligently to give her the best chance of survival she could have!

Finally…the phone rang! I couldn’t tell you who it was… if it was a nurse, the surgeon… but they needed to get my consent for surgery….! She was still alive!!! Of course… do surgery! So the waiting game began again… I had no clue what they were operating on… what they would find… but I finally had a glimpse of hope… I realized that this baby was a fighter!

Her surgery was at 11:47pm… it lasted an hour and a half…. we waited, and waited, and waited…

The phone rang again in the very early hours of the morning around 2am… It was her surgeon on the phone! The man that would prove to be her guardian angel multiple times throughout her life! She had survived the surgery!!! She was alive… She did have a perforation in her intestine… which caused an abscess…. and that is what caused her to be very very sick! He removed the abscess… and she was resting comfortably, and was stable!!! My baby girl was OK!!! Again happy tears! I felt like these last couple of days I was on a roller coaster of emotions… we would all cry b/c of devastating news… and then we would cry b/c we got wonderful, encouraging news… up down, up down…. it was exhausting… It was unbelievably hard to be away from her for the next hours… but this momma needed her rest….. because we were about to embark on an amazing journey!!!